Friday, September 30, 2011

Justin Timberlake Shriners Open - Las Vegas, NV

Kevin and I arrived in Las Vegas on Sunday. We played last week on the Nationwide Tour in Saboba, CA. Last week's event was a nice warm up to the Fall Finish on the PGA Tour. Kevin hit the ball great three out of the four days in Saboba. We struggled with the putter but it was a good week getting back into the swing of things.

Early in the week we had some great practice rounds and practice sessions. The golf course is in perfect condition and the weather is perfect. On Thursday, we struggled a bit with the ball striking but is was not far off. He was missing shots a little right but the contact was solid. Only hitting five fairways and just over 50% of the greens, Kevin's short game kept us in the tournament and we were able to manage a one under par round (70). After the round, we worked on freeing up the tension in his arms and he was able to get the ball back on line.

This morning, we teed off at 8:16 and got off to a tough start. A drive into the right rough and then a pitching wedge that shot right of the green put us into a difficult position. A three putt after the chip shot led to a double bogey start. Kevin gutted it out and came right back with a perfect drive and a nine iron to 1.5 feet on the next hole for a birdie. He stayed committed to each shot and played great the rest of the day. We finished the day with five birdies and an eagle for a 5 under par (66). We are now 6 under for the tournament and ready for the weekend.

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